
14/06/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

Ihobe takes part in the spring meeting of the Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe

This forum, which regularly brings together representatives of public administrations responsible for contaminated land management, held its spring meeting in Stockholm between May 31 and June 2, hosted by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

This group of policy makers, regulators and technical advisers from European administrations is responsible for contaminated soil and met in Stockholm

On this occasion, the main topics were sediment management, future European soil health legislation which will be presented on July 5 and the latest developments in member countries and regions. The vision, objectives and instruments of the EU Soil Strategy for 2030, which was approved last year with the aim of achieving healthy soil, are now a source of inspiration for the actions of this group. Mechanisms for managing excavated soils as part of the future excavated soil passport envisaged in the strategy were discussed at this meeting.

The Common Forum has been holding regular meetings since its creation in 1994 to discuss legal, technical and organizational issues in the field of contaminated land management and remediation in order to fulfill its mission of sharing experiences and knowledge. In recent times, the forum has expanded its activity with the constitution of working groups focused on specific topics, namely diffuse contamination, PFAS as emerging contaminants and the efficient use and sustainable management of soil as a resource.

The next meeting of the Common Forum will take place next October in Bilbao, as a prelude to the SOILUZIOAK 2023 congress on soil protection

The autumn meeting of the group will be held on October 9 and 10 in Bilbao, as part of the Basque Soil Protection Congress organised by the public company Ihobe, in collaboration with Sprilur. This event will provide an opportunity to reflect on international policies, regional good practices and future trends in soil protection, an area in which the Basque Country is a benchmark at national level thanks to the 2030 Soil Protection Strategy. The SOILUZIOAK 2023 congress will also be a meeting point for different actors with an interest in the subject.

About the Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe

This forum started in 1994 with the aim of becoming a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences, in order to initiate and follow up international projects between members of policymakers, regulators and technical advisers on contaminated land of the environmental authorities of the European Union Member States and countries of the European Free Trade Association.

Common Forum members work in collaboration with the main European and international networks and initiatives in the field of contaminated land/soil, such as NICOLE, Sednet, Cabernet, Eurodemo, Soilver and IMPEL, to exchange information, share advice and review proposed calls for proposals or participation on project advisory boards. Their actions include defining new concepts of contaminated land management, carrying out critical analyses of proposals for European Union directives and proposing technical criteria for applying these directives.


11/10/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

The Basque Country is one of the most advanced territories in terms of comprehensive soil protection. This was made clear at the SOILUZIOAK 2023 Conference on Soil Protection in the Basque Country, where the Basque Country’s 2030 Land Protection Strategy, which was approved in June 2022, was outlined. This pioneering measure makes the Basque Country […]

10/10/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

The SOILUZIOAK 2023 Conference on Soil Protection in the Basque Country kicked off on Tuesday, October 10 in Bilbao attended by more than 300 people, who discussed different legislative initiatives on the first day to ensure comprehensive sustainable soil management and protection. At the opening ceremony, the Basque Government’s Deputy Minister for Environmental Sustainability, Aitor […]

09/10/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

The Basque Soil Protection Congress-SOILUZIOAK 2023 is sold out. Over 300 people have registered for the congress that will be the event of the year on soil protection. Organised by the Basque Government, through Ihobe, its Environmental Management Agency, and Sprilur, its industrial land management company, the sold-out event will be held at the Euskalduna […]

03/10/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

The final conference for the European project, which Ihobe will take part in, will be held in Bilbao’s Palacio Euskalduna on 9 October as a prelude to the Basque Country Soil Protection Congress. The conference will review the results after five years of activity with an ensuing discussion on the future of R&D&I public procurement […]

26/09/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

Over two days, the SOILUZIOAK 2023 programme from a cross-sectional approach will bring together international experts and speakers to reflect on the challenges of soil protection from global to local, along with sharing European and regional best practices in that regard. The morning sessions of the Basque Soil Protection Congress, which will be held at […]

19/07/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

On 10 and 11 October, the Euskalduna Conference Centre in Bilbao will host SOILUZIOAK 2023, the social protection congress of the Basque Country. The event will gather together around 250 experts in this field to bring to the table the need to protect this resource from all angles. It will thus contribute to the effective […]

19/05/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

The Basque Country will organize SOILUZIOAK 2023 on October 10 and 11 at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, a unique congress on soil protection that seeks to bring together 250 specialists in the field to think about the need to manage soil from the points of view of human health, biodiversity, climate change, food security […]