
11/10/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

The Basque Country is one of the most advanced territories in terms of comprehensive soil protection. This was made clear at the SOILUZIOAK 2023 Conference on Soil Protection in the Basque Country, where the Basque Country’s 2030 Land Protection Strategy, which was approved in June 2022, was outlined. This pioneering measure makes the Basque Country […]

14/06/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

This forum, which regularly brings together representatives of public administrations responsible for contaminated land management, held its spring meeting in Stockholm between May 31 and June 2, hosted by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. This group of policy makers, regulators and technical advisers from European administrations is responsible for contaminated

19/05/2023 Fuente: | Sociedad Pública Ihobe

The Basque Country will organize SOILUZIOAK 2023 on October 10 and 11 at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, a unique congress on soil protection that seeks to bring together 250 specialists in the field to think about the need to manage soil from the points of view of human health,