
Rosa Calvo de Anta

Professor of Edaphology and Agricultural Chemistry. University of Santiago de Compostela

Over 100 publications on (1) Soil Properties, Genesis and Mapping. These include her co-authoring the Diccionario multilingüe de la Ciencia del Suelo (DiccMCS). Gestión y Uso sostenible, Información de Suelos y representación espacial del sistema edágico, Calidad, Evaluación, Degradación y protección del suelo.. Online publication of the Spanish Soil Science Society (SECS) (2021); coordinator of the Digital Mapping of the Soil of Galicia 1:50.000 project. Published by Autonomous Government of Galicia (2000-2006). (2) Analysis of the Vegetation-Properties Relations of the Soil. Comparison between different forest species (including, El eucalipto en Galicia. Sus relaciones con el medio natural. Published by Santiago de Compostela Univ, 211 pp. 1992; Datos para el desarrollo de una red integrada del seguimiento de la calidad de suelos en Galicia. Balances geoquímicos en suelos forestales (Pinus radiata). Soil Science. SECS, 9 Journal (2):197-212.2002) and variations in a N-S transect of Europe (The Chemical composition of newly shed needle litter of Scots pine and some other pine species in a climatic transect. X long-term decomposition in a Scots pine forest. 1995. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne de Botanique, 73, 1423-1435; Changes in chemical composition of Pinus sylvestris needle litter during decomposition along a European coniferous forest climatic transect. 2003. Biology & Biochemistry, 35 (6): 802-812; member of the Código de Prácticas Recomendadas para la Gestión Sostenida de las Masas de Eucalipto del sur de Europa: Criterios e Indicadores Published by the Instituto de Investigaçao da Floresta e Papel (RAIZ). Portugal ( FAIR CT97-3856-2000 Programme-Commission of the European Communities). (3) Soil Degradation and Recovery. Co-author of the plan to remedy the soil contaminated by the Aznalcóllar mining disaster, 1998 (Bases Científicas del Proyecto de Recuperación de Suelos contaminados en la cuenca del río Guadiamar 1. In: Investigación, Conservación y Desarrollo. Programa de Investigacion del Corredor Verde del Guadiamar -PICOVER- 1999-2002, 47-58. Published by the Autonomous Government of Andalusia. 2000; Scientific Foundations 2. In: Ciencia y Restauración del río Guadiamar. Published by the Autonomous Government of Andalusia. 61-77. 2003; Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Pyritic Sludge from a Mine Spill in Aznalcóllar, Spain. Advances in Geoecology CATENA, 40: 295-310. 2004). Co-author of establishing the Niveles Genéricos de Referencia para declaración de suelos contaminados por metales y metaloides en la C.A. de Galicia. Published by Autonomous Government of Galicia. 229 pp (values included in the DOGA 60/2009, of 26 February) (R.D. 2005). (4) Soils as Carbon Sinks (Litter mass loss in pine forests versus actual evapotranspiration on a European scale. In: A Breymeyer (Ed). Proceedings from Scope Seminar. Geography of Carbon Budget Processes in Terrestrial Ecosystems, 81-109. 1993 (team member); Coordinator of the carbon digital map in the wet area of the Iberian Peninsula (Soil organic carbon in northern Spain -Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and País Vasco. Spanish Journal of Soil Science, 5: 41-53. 2015) and for the whole of mainland Spain (Soil organic carbon in peninsular Spain: Influence of environmental factors and spatial distribution. Geoderma 370, 11 4365. 2020).